Role of Mindset in Cancer Survival - Science of a Healing Attitude

Sunday, February 23, 2025

How can we beat cancer by the way we think? Learn about the role of mindset - how we view events in our lives - and the role our mindset plays in our health and disease. The science of how attitude can influence our physiology will be discussed. By understanding how our emotional health may alter outcomes, you can learn ways to advance your own survival.

OcularMelanoma Survivorship - Patient Support Study

Friday, December 20, 2024

Dr. McCannel and her colleagues in Psychology at UCLA conducted a prospective interventional study which included this two-part video series which provides an overview of ocular melanoma: its treatment and side-effects, metastasis, as well as actions for improving one’s whole health. The videos are now publicly available and can be watched below:

Advancing Survival - A Holistic Approach to Ocular Melanoma

Sunday, December 15, 2024

What can you do to improve your mind, body and spirit? Whether you have ocular melanoma or any other medical condition, there is always something you can do to improve. Everything that you do to improve, will change the trajectory of your health and your life. Listen here to the recording for the Advancing Survival - A Holistic Approach to Ocular Melanoma webinar. You'll learn from: a review of ocular melanoma, a discussion of specific actions to improve your physical and emotional health, and hear questions raised and answered from the audience.