10 Habits for Being Present

1 ~ Five-Minute Morning Stretch

Start your day with a simple stretch or yoga pose to awaken your body and mind gently. Savor the feeling of being in your skin, being a part of this world again after awakening from your slumber. Feel your toes against the floor, focus on each muscle group as you pull and savor this incredible stretch. Take an extra moment to be gratitude for this life, this day before you.

2 ~ One-Minute Box-Breathing Exercise:

At various moments throughout the day, take a minute to practice deep box-breathing. Count slowly, 1-2-3-4 on the inhale, hold it for 1-2-3-4, then slowly exhale while counting 1-2-3-4. Hold still for 1-2-3-4, then repeat. This can be a quick reset for your mind and body. You will find that a box-breathing break will clear your mind of chatter and keep you focused on the present moment. Consider giving yourself a 1-minute breathing break every 1-2 hours throughout the day, and notice how different you may feel.

3 ~ Gratitude Post-It Notes:

Write something you're grateful for on a Post-It note each day and stick it where you can see it, like on a bathroom mirror or fridge. Research has shown that actually writing down what you are grateful for has a more lasting effect on brain function detected by MRI studies, than simply saying or thinking what you are grateful for. Even in the most challenging moments, you can find gratitude. If you make gratitude a consistent practice, over time, your brain will be healthier.

4 ~ Nature Sound Breaks:

Play a short recording of nature sounds (such as a forest, rain falling or ocean waves) during breaks to create a calming atmosphere. Research has shown that listening to sounds of nature increases our positive affect, and lowers stress and irritability. 

5 ~ Aromatherapy Moments:

Use essential oils or scented candles for a few minutes to engage your senses and relax. Scents like lavender or eucalyptus can be particularly soothing. Lavender promotes relaxation and relieves anxiety, while eucalyptus works to clear airways and mental fog. 

6 ~ Compliment Giving:

Make it a point to give at least one genuine compliment each day, either to someone you know or a stranger. This can brighten both your day and theirs. Giving and contributing in ways to create a more kind and compassionate world will also heal the giver. Read more on this topic. 

7 ~ Mindful Eating Pause:

Before meals, take a moment to pause and appreciate your food's appearance and aroma, fostering more mindful eatinghabits. With regards to mindful eating, the Harvard School of Public Health takes into account the following steps: honor the food; engage all the senses; serve modest portions; savor each bite and chew slowly; don't overeat; don't skip meals; consider plant-based for the health of the planet. 

8 ~ Joyful Movement:

Incorporate brief moments of a joyful movement like dancing to your favorite song or a quick walk. Just five minutes can uplift your mood.

9 ~ Herbal Tea Ritual:

Replace one of your daily beverages with a cup of herbal tea, taking time to savor the taste and warmth, encouraging relaxation.

10 ~ Reflection Moments:

End your day with a few minutes of quiet reflection or jotting down a positive experience from the day in a journal or on your phone.

These practices require minimal time and effort but can significantly impact your well-being, helping you stay calm and centered. Remember, like any practice, seeing results takes time and consistency. Give yourself a few weeks of incorporating these practices for being present, and we are certain that you will feel the difference!


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