Bodywork - From Soul to Surface

As we navigate the complexities of our lives, many of us experience stress and anxiety. Relief can be found through various bodywork therapies. Let's take a dive into the transformative potential of various techniques.


Imagine lying down, as the gentle hands of an acupuncturist insert thin needles into specific points on your body during an acupuncture session. This ancient practice, rooted in balancing the body's Qi or energy flow, can be incredibly transformative. The sensations, subtle at first, gradually blossom into a warm, tingling embrace, guiding energy along pathways called meridians. Recommended for a myriad of ailments from chronic pain to emotional disorders like anxiety, acupuncture's healing touch often leaves us enveloped in deep relaxation, with an invigorated sense of energy and a calm mind.

Tuina and Massage

Then there's the soothing world of Tuina, acupressure and massage therapy. As the hands of a skilled practitioner glide, press, and knead your skin and muscles, tension may seem to melt away. The feeling of firm yet gentle hands working through knots and tight spots can be both invigorating and relaxing. Beyond just alleviating muscle tension, deep tissue bodywork promotes a rush of blood, washing away toxins and setting the stage for healing. The post-experience serenity, with muscles supple and a heart light, offers a tranquil sanctuary from the hustle of daily life.

Craniosacral Therapy

Equally transformative is Cranial Sacral Therapy. In a serene setting, the therapist employs gentle touches to the head, spine, and pelvis, attending to the craniosacral system. The delicate touches, usually feather-light, resonate deeply within, addressing imbalances in the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Those who embark on this journey often recount a profound sense of relaxation, improved sleep patterns, and an overall feeling of being centered.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Lastly, the often under-explored Pelvic Floor Therapy offers its own realm of sensations. A skilled occupational therapist performs this type of bodywork. During this bodywork, you may experience a subtle awareness of muscles you never knew existed, as you're gently guided through exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, which supports the core of one's body and being. Particularly beneficial after childbirth or during certain medical conditions, this therapy reconnects individuals with a foundational aspect of their anatomy. As the sessions progress, many describe feeling a newfound strength, an alleviation of discomfort, and a harmonious balance in their pelvic region.

Take-Home Points

The human body possesses an innate ability to heal and find balance. Through bodywork, we tap into this potential, offering pathways to relief and rejuvenation. At Seyhart, we believe in the power of these bodywork, meticulously tailored to meet individual needs. We warmly invite you to explore bodywork healing with us. Let our dedicated team will support you on the journey of reduced stress and improved well-being.


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