The Mind-Body Health Connection

The Mind-Body Connection in Holistic Health: Unraveling the Impact of Early-Life Traumas

From our earliest days, the traumas—both emotional and physical—that we encounter can shape the path of our mental and physical health. Until we accept and acknowledge this truth, our healing journeys may be difficult. Author and physician, Gabor Maté, MD discusses the significance of even "small-t trauma" in his recent book, The Myth of Normal. All trauma may be cumulative and may likely contribute to physical manifestations of illness and disease as we carry our traumas forward and unresolved in our life's journey. To suppress our trauma may be a protective mechanism in the short term, allowing us to survive. However, we must come to terms with all of our past traumas and let them go for us to thrive both mentally and physically. Thus, at the core of holistic healing is that healing the mind is the first step to rejuvenating the body.

The Deep-Seated Impact of Early-Life Traumas

Research published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research indicates that traumas experienced during one's formative years can manifest as chronic physical ailments in adulthood. Further supporting this is a study from the American Journal of Psychiatry, which found a direct correlation between early-life emotional traumas and susceptibility to conditions like heart disease and diabetes later in life.

Our Mission: Healing from the Root

Understanding the lasting impact of early traumas, the Seyhart mission goes beyond mere treatment. We aim to empower individuals to address and heal these deep-seated emotional scars, providing a foundation for robust physical health. By fostering self-awareness and acceptance, Seyhart unveils a path to holistic wellness.

The Power of Education

The transformative potential of mind-body healing remains under-explored, largely due to a lack of public education on the topic. By highlighting the impact of early-life traumas on long-term health and the possibilities of holistic recovery, we hope to continue to raise awareness of the comprehensive well-being. Our health must include both emotional health and physical health, the two are completely interconnected. Thanks to renowned authors and scientists who explore these connections, there is more evidence than ever before that what happens to our bodies is intricately engaged with our mental and emotional processes. 

Building Bridges: A United Front for Wellness

Seyhart passionately champions other wellness professionals in our community whose visions align with ours. In our shared pursuit of holistic health, we believe in the strength of collaboration, ensuring that everyone can find the path to healing that resonates with them. If you are a healer, reach out - we are here to support you. 

Seyhart Ear Seeding: A Step to Self-Healing

Starting on the path to wellness can feel daunting. We have learned that by the simple act of connecting with others we can help people experience what it feels like to care for the self. Yes, by the seemingly magical ear seeds which stimulate the Vagus nerve - the responses leading to relaxation, gut motility and calmness, which are the opposite of fight or flight. That's why ear acupressure may be so immediately calming for many. Allow our Seyhart team to open the door to recovery and self-healing. The gentle practice of ear seeding reminds us that the journey to healing can begin with small, deliberate steps, each adding up to the possibility of profound transformation.


Professionals Who Stand: Preventing Harm


Acupuncture to Support Cardiovascular Health